Saturday, 8 December 2012

Monoliths - in the tree sense!

These oak trees along the College main drive were under threat of complete removal, but "woodsman, spare that tree!" and they have been left as the amazing habitat that they are, as single trunks or monoliths. The idea is that they continue to stand for many. many years to come, improving the habitat possibilities of the grounds immensely, providing some visual interest (a little controversially perhaps, but the more of these there are, the more people get used to them, and the more acceptable they become), and of course being used as an educational tool. It would be wonderful to just take a group of landscapers and garden designers along the drive and see what you can get out of looking at all the trees - perhaps assessing the landscape value, perhaps the biodiversity interest.

The complex structure of holes and crevices looks very suitable for bat resting or roosting in the summer or winter if the level of disturbance is not too off-putting.